Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009 in a NUTTER shell
…no files found…
…type in a different word to search…
What can I say; I lead a very uneventful life. I can tell you I’ve at last finished my course in events management, the exam was hell and upon waiting for my results I’m still preying I pass.
I got connected for Xmas, Momzy and miss bossy boots decided it would be grand to give me two years free… is said TWO YEARS FREEEEE!!!! Internet. Yes, here in sunny SA we have to pay for our internet. Commie Bustards. So naturally I was pleased with the gift. By pleased I mean- jumping up and down with an idiot expression on my face screaming YES! YES! YES! Kinda like when SA scored the winning tri in the world cup two years ago. It took me approximately two hour to use up all my Megs, so now, until Friday, its back to the mobile internet.
Hopefully 2010 will be a bit more eventful. The soccer world cup is coming to SA, that’s about it. I don’t do new years resolutions but if I did I would probably go something like this
Drink less
Exercise more
Loss 40kg’s
Gain a husband
Get a car
Move out
Quit my job
Start my own events company
Do a course in catering and introduction to professional cooking
Go on holiday to Cape Town
Eat at Maze
Meet Gordon Ramsey
Get a tan
Live happily ever after...
.. O ja, and see Twilight... everyone’s been going on about it.
Happy new year to everyone In blog land…
I leave you with a few pics of 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
life's to short
Yesterday morning I got a call just after I arrived at work, it was this one lady I work with, her mother-in-law of 93 that stayed with her had collapsed and she needed someone to help her. I rushed over to lend a hand. What I saw I wasn’t expecting. Now I’m in general I’m a fairly compassionate person, children, the injured even animals… but old people… that’s a different story, I feel rotten about this but I can’t help it, I’ve tried to change but to no avail. I don’t have any compassion for old people, I don’t like being around them, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never knew my grandparents, maybe I’m just a mean heartless person, I don’t know, but I don’t like old people very much, I never know what to say or do or how to react. Thing is, it breaks my heart to thing that once upon a time they use to be young and full of life and fun and independent. They were strong and self sufficient and now, helpless, old, ailing and that I can’t stand, its reality walking around. One day everyone will lose there fire and passion and seize to exist, just breathe and wait for death. I don’t like thinking about it and old people are a constant reminder of that.
So here I am helping this lady to dress her 93 year old mother in law. The only thing wrong with her is the fact that she has inflammation in het knees and cancer, she doesn’t have reading glasses of a hearing add or anything, that was the first thing.
Then I got back to work only to find out this on kid 17 years old was laying in a coma in hospital. He and a few friends were out having fun, they were all on the back of a “bakkie” – pickup- he leaned forward to tell the driver something just as they went over a bump. He lost his footing and fell from the bakkie; they drove over his head,
Today this other lady I work with got a call, she burst out in tears and was crying uncontrollably, a few months ago her sister came to South Africa to come visit and to get chemo treatment, she had cancer. The lady was planning on going to see her sister this weekend; she’s been putting this trip of for about a month, every time something else would come up. Her sister died this morning. She was about 45.
What I’m trying to say death doesn’t discriminate between race, sex or age, if its your time its your time, and we spend our lives bickering, fighting, complaining, criticizing, hating, being jealous and being dissatisfied, is it worth it, al these little things that annoy me seems so trivial all of a sudden…
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Girls nite in
Dirty Dancing is the Twilight or High school musical of the nineties. Almost Twenty years later and I still get that same feeling with opening credits I got the first 564 times I’ve seen it before.
We were in our early teens and like Baby said, it was the summer of love… well not yet, that would follow in a few years time… but sitting in my friends living room it felt like we were on that mountain. Patrick Swayze was so dreamy and Jennifer Gray so beautiful we all wanted to be her, from Big Girls don’t cry to I Had the time of my life every song every word, we knew it from front to back. And watching it tonight I felt 13 again.
There are only a few movies that make any grown women feel 13 again. For me it’s Dirty Dancing for Momzy I think its Bridget Jones’s diary. Well I don’t think it makes her feel 13 again, I think it makes her feel 30. I wonder what movie will make me feel 30 again when I’m 54… and I wonder what movie makes Momzy feel 13? Perhaps the ten commandments… hie hie… now, I haven’t seen High School Musical yet, thankfully, but I don’t think in 17 years time these 13 year olds are going to rent it and think back how hot Zach Efron was or how that last song made them feel… that’s it Grease, Grease is the Dirty dancing of the 70’s was Grease made in the 70’s? I don’t know, think so… but in the 70’s Momzy was early 20’s not teens….
So my question is, what movie, al time great, is you’re dirty dancing…
For those born after 1990, do yourself a favour, go rent it and get an education.
For those single 20 or 30 something fabulous girls out there, do yourself a favour, DON’T READ OR RENT HIS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU… not if you’re still interested in getting married, great book and wonderfully movie, both made me cry but be warned, IT SCREWS WITH YA HEAD!!!… it’s not a users manual, its just for entertainment purpose only... but maybe sometimes we should take Alex’s advice, and maybe sometimes we should just ignore it and take a chance on love and if all else fails, Rent Dukes of Hazzard, Jonny Knoxville is so hot, in that case, rent Jackass… and have ya self a great girls night in…
Friday, August 21, 2009
dinner is served
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
why are there people like him in the world
Every evening this homeless man comes around asking for something to eat. Now it’s in my nature to help so my first instinct would be to help him. But then my friend told me that two days prior to me working there he came by and she helped, on the third day she suggested he help her pack some coldrinks in return for food, he refused. She told me not to help him again.
This evening he came around again and started bugging the customers, when one man offered him work in return for some money he became rude, so we desided that was that.
Now Momzy didn’t raise me to be rude, but what’s a girl to do, he reeks of booze and he’s rude to my customers. I still feel sorry for him. Tonight I’ll eat my cheese burger garage pie, when I get home, I’ll probably make Momzy and myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and then I’ll crawl into a snugly warm bed. This man has to go sleep hungry and cold somewhere on a hard pavement or park bench, in the middle of the winter. Why are there people like him in the world.
I wish there was more I could do for him, but he doesn’t want help he wants a hand out. An old Chinese proverb says, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he never goes hungry again. This man doesn’t want to learn to fish, he just wants a fish…
Monday, July 13, 2009
my inviroment
my backdoor and my bike
my primery school
my friend's house
and what followes is another few houses in town i like.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hans Strijdom
He was born on the family farm Klipfontein near Willowmore, Eastern Cape and trained as a lawyer at Victoria College (which later became the University of Stellenbosch. After his studies, Strijdom settled in Nylstroom, Northern Transvaal. He identified strongly with this area and its people and became a local community leader among the Afrikaners. In 1929 he became the Member of Parliament for Waterberg for the National Party (NP) headed by General J. B. M. Hertzog. Strijdom was also leader of the NP in Transvaal, by far the most important province of South Africa, and as such had a strong power base.
Strijdom's highest ideal was the achievement of an Afrikaner dominated Republic free from ties with Great Britain and the British Commonwealth. In this, he was radical and made no compromises.
After the surprising victory of the National Party in 1948, won on the program of implementing a strict program of apartheid or racial segregation and white minority rule, Malan became Prime Minister of South Africa and Strijdom became Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation. Although it was not one of the classic portfolios, it was apparently Strijdom's choice since he had a keen interest in agriculture and was a part-time farmer. Strijdom was not so pleased with the portfolio although he was fond of farming. Malan gave him the portfolio due to the fact that his young wife disliked Strijdom. That was also why Malan tried his best to get Havenga to succeed him as Prime Minister, rather than Strijdom.
On 30 November 1954, he was elected leader of the National Party and became Prime Minister of South Africa after the resignation of Malan and against the latter's will, who preferred the more moderate NC Havenga, Minister of Finance, as his successor. However, Strijdom was popular among NP party members and people trusted him to push things smoothly forward towards a republic, something Malan was considered to be only luke-warm about. During Strijdom's term as Prime Minister, he moved full steam ahead to remove ties with the British Empire and deepened the Afrikaner ascendency in South Africa and strengthened the policy of apartheid.
During his last year in office, his weak health (thought to be cancer) lead to long terms of absence and he died on 24 August 1958 in Cape Town and is buried in Pretoria in the Heroes Acre.
JG Strijdom was known for being very dedicated, absolutely honest and incorruptible, but also stubborn and not open for change of course. He was nicknamed "The lion of the north", because he could be rather frightening as a political opponent, although he always remained a gentleman.
He was married to the actress Marga van Hulsteyn, but the marriage broke up after a short time. His second wife was Susan de Klerk, aunt of the last white President F W de Klerk. Two children were born to Strijdom by his second wife, Johannes and Estelle. Susan Strijdom died in 1999, but Estelle still lives today.
There are still various monuments dedicated to him in South Africa. One monument in central Pretoria, which featured his bust, collapsed in 2001 injuring 2 people. His house in Nylstroom (now Modimolle) is now a museum, which holds parts of the collapsed bust.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Great loves
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Solong good Friend it's hard to die
When it came to building castles in the sky we were two peas in a pod. Sometimes it got us into a little trouble but mostly it provided for some of the wildest nights in the bush. My very last project before leaving was to get my favourite band to perform there. It was such a huge success that they requested to return the next year.
They had the best Sunday carvery in the world, and that is saying a lot coming from someone who grows up in a house with a chef for a father and working for the opposition. The last time I was there was a couple weeks ago. It made me decide to write a blog about it. One of my top 5 favourite places in the world.
The memories are prise less. I lived with the owner and her family on the naigbouring game farm and weekends the brat and some of our other friends would pitch up and crash on my bedroom floor. Wall to wall bodies. After I left I would go there all the time. On a Friday night I’d get a text message… SEDIBA?... and a half an hour later the brat’s best bud would be at my door. If it got to busy I’d jump in and lend a hand,
Monday, June 1, 2009
I'm back, I think
Isn't it lovely. I find reasons to ride it. our offices are about 200m from the restaurant I work at. a 2min walk. now i just hop on the bike and ride down. what annoys me is people calling it a scooter and not a bike. a scooter is for pansies and little girly girls. woman with attitude rides motorbikes, even if it's only a 100cc's its still a bike!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
friends for ever
The first day of school the big buzz was about the really b!^*y new girl and her very hunky older brother with the long side burns. All the girls were going on about them. I didn’t have a clue. Everyone had laid eyes on them but me. Didn’t really bother me ether.
I was late for my very first history class and as I was making my way across the quad there he was. At first I didn’t know he was calling after me but I soon realized there was no one else around. I stopped to hear what he wanted. He was lost and looking for the history class. Seeing that I was on my way there I offered to show him the way. When we entered the class room together half the girls jaws dropped.. My friend was so kind to have saved me a seat in the back and the only other available one was the one next to mine. I soon found out that this new guy was THE guy everyone was going on about. We ended up having all our classes together.
And so that was the start of our friendship. We use to pass notes to each other and in biology we were separated after the first month. The teacher made the mistake to put us next to or other friends and soon after we were moved back together. We got on like a house on fire and we became great friends, some people even thought we were dating… what a crazy idea…
…or was it? As with most 17 year olds I found myself having a little crush on him after a while, but what was I to do, I wasn’t going to say something and maybe wreck the friendship, I’d rather not know at all.
Then during our final exams we got into an argument and before we could make up the year was over and he was shipped off to another school never to be seen again. I really missed him for a very long time and till today every time I hear Love Bits I think of him.
Last year out of the blue I got a friend request on Facebook. The one person I thought had disappeared for ever marched back into my life as quickly as he’d marched out. I couldn’t believe he actually found me. Our friendship is growing again and sometimes i have to remind myself I'm not 17 anymore...
So now before you go aw yeah, I must tell you, his happily married to a very nice girl and doing very well for himself. That nagging old Alanis song comes to mind…
Friday, May 22, 2009
welcome to the family
Welcome to the family John.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
an ode to my mother
Ode To Mothers!
Michael Jeffrey Gale
Blue birds and Blue Jays just flappin'inthe wind,
A Message to My Mother
hank williams, sr.
Years have passed since that parting
So, here we have a bit of Mothers day history, a Poem and a Song. Now I would like to put my personal touch to it. I was born on the 10th of March 1979. Momzy says they were at a bowels match when her contractions started. She says the nurses were watching The Saint. It was a Saturday evening. Pacing up and down the corridor she decided she needed the loo… I guess I was almost born in a toilet
I was her problem child. At age three I developed asthma, I almost died. Then a few years later I got stung by a honey bee, I almost died… again. The doctors said if it weren’t for her quick thinking and keeping her cool under pressure, I would have died. When I started school they discovered I had dyslexia. She would sit in the evenings with me bribing me with Jelly Tots to get me to read. They’re still my favourite sweets. I guess sometimes she would rather have wanted to ring my neck then give me sweets, but she didn’t. The saying “I Brought you in to this world, and I will take you out again” comes to mind. Then when I was a little older she would write me letters, she said came from a gremlin that lived in het typewriter at work, to get me to read.
When I turned 21 I moved to Sun City, in a very compulsive move. I know by her reaction that she was very worried but even more disappointed. She’s always been more worried about me then any of her other children. She would phone Miss bossy boots once a week just the here how I was doing. Even when I was much older.
She always says she hopes one day I’ll have a daughter just like me, so I would know what she had to go through. I hope that one day I would be able to be at lest half the mom she’s been. I'm truly blessed and I Love you Mom.
Friday, May 8, 2009
to love and to have lost is better then to never have loved befor.
Feeling very alone again tonight. I wish I knew what was in store for me love wise. If I wasn’t meant to be married, why do I have such a longing to find someone? We weren’t created to be alone. Life is meant to be shared. God intends for us to experience life together. So why at 30 am I still single and living with my parents?
...and I guess your heart I’ll never find…
I remember, I use to say, “When I grow up I’m gonna…” and “one day I’ll…” you know what I am grownup and one day has come and still I’m not. Most of the time I manage not to think about it. I keep busy with other stuff. Pretend as if I’m to busy to care. That’s not true. This women that works with Momzy, we always joked and said we hope we don’t end up like her… she’s in her 40’s still single and lives at home. Only difference is. She lives at home alone now. Her mother died two year ago and her father last year… what if this isn’t a joke, what if I end up like that.
…From a distance my love, I’ll have to release…
I use to work with a lesbian girl, we were great friends. She’d always ask me out even though she knew I wasn’t gay. She was Joking. I told her that if, by the time I’m 30, single and still live at home I’d give her a call or shoot myself. Not joking anymore.
…And I’d have to look elsewhere for inner peace…
Last year I attended a funeral and at tea after I was sitting chatting to a group of ladies, out of the blue the one asked me, when it was my chance? My chance? For what, dying? I asked. No, she said, for getting married. AT A FUNERAL!!!! For goodness sake! I DON’T KNOW LADY!!!! Now when people ask me I say 25 September. That’s only 4 months away.
… Thus I guess you’d never understand…
That’s something I get asked a lot, so, when are you getting married, so, when are you going to meet that guy. So, why are you still single? 1. I’M NOT PSYCIC AND 2. IF I KNEW WHY I WOULD HAVE WORKED ON THAT AND NOT BE SINGLE ANYMORE!!!! Bridget Jones puts it classically. When someone asked her why she was single, she plainly said, well it doesn’t help that we singletons are covered in scales.
… Nor comprehend...
I had this friend when I was at school, loved him to bits. But we were just friends. The last conversation we had was a fight. He transferred to another school the next year. And that was that… I thought. Last year he found me on facebook… I was thrilled; till I found out he was married. An Alanis Morisette song comes to mind. One night in a bit of a drunken stupor he started texting me, telling me how he always had a crush on me and how he’d been searching for me… still married!
... Nor see the plan…
I’m hopeless, I tend to fall for all the wrong guys, by wrong I mean, gay, married or to young. Just after I moved back home I met this policeman, it went great, only thing is, I wasn’t the only one, he had not one but two girls in different towns. Charming, he even tried to hook me up with one of his friends and tried to pickup my friend while I was there. I should have gotten the message, we broke up and 7 months later he was married, not to me and not to any of the other two. A few months later he was killed in the line of duty. The guy he tried to set me up with died a year later in a car accident.
…’cause I guess our love is mine alone…
There’s this guy at church I really like, when he found out I was 10 years older then him, he started dating my friend. They’ve just broken up. But I’m still 10 years older and even if we joke about it, Momzy and the rest of the sane people are right. Will never work. I also have this thing against people in the youth group dating.I never go anywhere so I never meet people, tried the internet dating thing, don’t work ether, a lot of freaks out there though. So here I am, 30 single and still living with my parents, what would you do if you were in my shoes?
…poured out like fresh spring water on an old dry stone…
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco De Mayo
The outnumbered Mexicans defeated a much better-equipped French army that had not been defeated in almost 50 years. However, Cinco de Mayo is not "an obligatory federal holiday" in Mexico, but rather a holiday that can be observed voluntarily.
While Cinco de Mayo has limited significance nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride However, a common misconception in the United States is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day, which actually is September 16, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico. Wikipedia
I love The Ellen Show, but we’re a season or so behind here in SA. Last year on the 5th of May her whole show was dedicated to this Mexican holiday. I too was under the impression that it was Mexico’s Independence Day. So today I went around telling everyone it was Cinco De Mayo and when they asked what that was I replied, it’s Mexico’s Independence Day. So I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for misleading the twelve people I came into contact with today and told this lie to. I’m not in the habit of fibbing so I apologize profusely.
Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone.
working class hero
Sunday, May 3, 2009
can you do the can-can
So as with everything else I find an interest in, I went to do some research about the Moulin Rouge, the Diamond dogs and there Can-Can… then it all came back to me. When I was 9 our school had a circus. Actually, every year we’d have a school play but once every 7 years we’d have a circus. So when I was 9 our class was the can-can dancers. Now I’d like to know who in there right mind would let a bunch of 9 year old girls dress up as the Diamond Dogs and do the can-can… I came across this peace and I was shocked…
top row second girl
Me thinks my teachers have some explaining to do…. Funny how things happen. When I was 9 I was a can-can dancer and one of my all time favorites movies are the Moulin Rouge. I’m appalled!!! Viva la revolution!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hi, i'm jozeygirl and i'm OCD
I have a problem.
I think I’m a little OCD.
Why do I think this?
1. Two pairs running shoes… I don’t run
2. four pairs open toe heels
3. four pairs closed semi formals
4. three pairs flip flops
5. four pairs casual slip ons
6. four pairs “crocs”
7. two pairs boots
8. four winter hats
9. three pairs gloves
10. five scarves… south Africa really doesn’t get that cold
11. seven pairs of blue jeans
12. fifteen hand bags
13. eleven bibles
14. four black eye liners
15. three bottles of perfume
16. three pairs of sunglasses
Just to name a few.
I can’t stop myself; I can’t just buy one of a thing. I know, it’s crazy.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
growing old disgracefully
I have decided, if I’m going down I’ll be doing it kicking and screaming. Not without a fight. And I’m taking down who ever I can with me…
What am I talking about? Growing old. Gracefully, I think not. Some how I let slip my teens, early twenties, mid twenties and late twenties. So I’ve decided, I am going to throw myself to the floor and put up the biggest tantrum you have ever seen. There was so much I’ve wanted to do by the time I turned 30, and somehow most of it I didn’t.
I’m not even talking about the whole married with children stuff; I’ve only left the country once, to visit Mozambique for two weeks. I still live at home, don’t own my own car and earn peanuts. I have no social life and I find myself rather wanting to watch Friday night movies on satellite then go out. And most of the time I’m content with it. Week nights I’m in bed by ten… alone… and I just purchased my first pair of reading glasses. Luckily grey hasn’t set in yet, but a few years back I found my first rankle, but since, it’s gone missing.
So roll on the tantrum. I only have one tattoo, even though I worked in the music industry for about 5 years I still haven’t slept with a drummer, let alone do anything else. Sorry Momzy.
What I did do in the past decade though is, did a gap year and did missionary work, moved to Sun City, the equivalent of Las Vegas, lived with a bunch of lifeguards for six months. Became a groupie, worked in a music shop, moved back home, moved out and had one wild summer, moved back home, moved to the big city, became a waitress, met a bunch of interesting people, got introduced to the clubbing scene, drank a lot, became a stripper…groupie, my friends and I would go to a strip show every Thursday night… tried some kind of mood enhancing drug, one night only, nothing happened, didn’t think the quarter of the quarter they gave me was potent enough. Decided I hate dance music. Got a job at another music shop, got to meet a bunch of famous muso’s, became a groupie. Became friends with a local band and now they’re one of the biggest in SA. Became a bandaid, the difference between a bandaid and a groupie is, a groupie is in it for the members and perks, a bandaid is in it for the music. Ditched work to go to a music festival, got a tattoo, moved back home, became a nursery school teacher, managed a restaurant, did the events for the restaurant. Worked at a security company, hated every minute of it, and now I make food for a living, hadn’t had a drink in 4 months and am a youth leader at my church, now I organize events for the youth. I have my level two in first aid, have a youth workers diploma. I’m busy studying events management and doing a pastoral course at the church.
I guess my twenties wasn’t that boring, just wish I accomplished more, like being financially independent, having my own business earning 100k a year, have my own car, a handsome husband, double story house with pool and spa, two wonderful kids and hidi Klum’s body…
So what can be expected of the 30’s?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
my intervew
1. You get to have dinner with your favourite celebrity - who would it be and why?
Wentworth miller- have you seen prison break? Need I say more?
2. What was your proudest moment?
I was dyslectic when I was younger, I had to attend special classes but in a way I’ve over come that, one of my hobbies are to write short stories and obviously blogging. After 11 years I’ve decided to study again.
3. What is your most favourite memory?
St 9. there was this new guy in school, all the girls were going on about him, I didn’t know anything about him but as I was leaving for class he asked me to show him the way, it turned out we had all the same classes but one, so we ended up becoming great friends. I wasn’t the prettiest or most popular girl at school but that didn’t matter, he didn’t care for those girls to much any way. We were only friends for about 11 months but we were the greatest. At the end of that year he moved and for 12 years we didn’t have any contact, then he found me.
4. You get to be anybody else for one day - who would you be and what would you do?
A Michelin star chef with my own cooking show co- presented by Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsey, Heston Blumenthal or Curtis Stone. That or Sarah Tancredy, Wentworth Miller’s love interest in Prison Break.
5. What is your single most treasured possession (excluding loved ones and friends)?
I would like to say my virginity, but, I lived in Sun City for 6 months when I turned 21 so I’m sorry to say my sell phone. And my sense of Humor, and my wisdom… yeah, that last one is a little hard to swallow
If you would like to be interviewed by me, leave me a note in the comment section. After a day or two, I will send you five questions. Once you have answered these questions, you are welcome to interview others on your blog.
1. Leave me a comment saying: "Interview me".
2. I will respond by E-Mailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
eating out
So, tonight it was my cooking turn again. And on the menu, lasagne… lasagne mate to be precise. Lasagne mate is lasagne in a box. I am ashamed to admit it, I think if Gordon Ramsey got to hear about this, he’d come after me with his chefs knife. He’s my hero you know, well, one of them anyway. I love cooking and love trying out new things, and lasagne mate is new to me. In our house hold the only instant is instant coffee.
The thing about growing up in a house with a father as a chef is that you learn to cook at a very young age. I remember as children Momzy would phone from work and tell us to start dinner. She only packed our school lunch in primary school. Once we turned 13 we had to fend for our selves. Sometimes begging would help… begging her to make out lunch, that is. I pretend I‘m presenting my own cooking show when I prepare dinner.
So back to the lasagne… a couple of posts back I wrote about the disaster’s Mexican evening. The served lasagne for dinner… with cauliflower, carrots and green beans in. The chef and momzy’s looked like Sheppard’s pie. I wish someone would have told them about this miracle in a box. I’ll definitely try it again.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
hopeless romantic me
I’m a hopeless romantic. It’s actually sickening. I get all mushy and teary eyed at the end of romantic movies, even just semi romantic movies. I’ve even been known to get all misty over some ads. I don’t think it’s healthy. It’s made me a little delusional. I keep waiting for the romantic, guy sweeps you of your feet, takes you in his arms and passionately kiss you as the scene fades away with the last notes of baby I love your way by Big Mountain plays in the background, to happen.
All time favourite top 5 romantic movies… Love Actually, Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliet, the Notebook, Bridget Jones diary… and then a very unconventional movie but a really great tragic love story… Brokeback Mountain. I know its about two men falling in love and all, but its still two people feeling so passionately about each other but society keeps them apart… kinda like a gay Romeo and Juliet.
So I’m 30 and single and still waiting for that rugged manly man to come riding in on his steed and whisk me away, or the Greek/ Italian, well, Mediterranean bronzed god with his rock hard glisten body emerging from the waves to take me in is arms on a deserted beach and…(Momzy might be reading), or that guy you love to hate that works in the same store/ restaurant… that one night after closing you accidently get locked in with and both realise that all the time its been the strong attraction to each other that made you dislike each other intensely. Or the handsome sophisticated new marketing manager with the wit and charm that you know you never stand a chance of having, whom to your delightful surprise starts sending you very flirtatious IM’s and so the start of a budding office romance or the sweet shy ex con who only went to jail to get his brother out… to much?
But unfortunately I live in a small town with my parents and work with a bunch of women. And the available (note I don’t even care about age any more) ones are getting less by the hour. I live hundreds of miles away from the nearest beach and the only Greeks in town are the ones that own the greasy cafĂ© down town, my marketing manager is married and not a very pleasant person, besides, don’t work on a computer at work. So maybe the rugged manly man on horse back and hopeful not Brokeback.
I just wish I could meet someone that is actually attainable. There is this guy at church though, since the moment I first laid eyes on him I knew there was something there, and I was getting these signals from him. Then to his shock and my horror he learnt that I was 10 years older then him… yes you read correctly, so when you’re done swallowing your tongue and regain consciousness… I’m 10 years older then him, now were a little more like very good friends then anything else, but I see the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not watching and the little things he says and does… or maybe its just me and my wild imagination… plus his dating my friend and he studies far from here so I don’t really get to see him much.
I’ve always liked younger guys. First kiss, 3 years younger, first boyfriend, 4 years younger, last guy 5 years younger. Call me Mrs. Robinson. I think it’s the innocence linked to younger guys or maybe the fear of feeling old or maybe I secretly know it will never happen so I won’t have to worry about getting hurt… that last one actually sucks, cause I always get a little hurt. Whether it’s because I get my heart broken or realise how hopeless it all is, I still end up with a bruised heart.
so what ever it may be, i'm still waiting, and hoping, and wishing, and praying... as the song says... for mr right, cause mr right now, just won't cut it.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i have to study!!!
So in about two month’s time I write exams, and I’m in panic mode. I can’t seem to get myself to study. Every morning I wake up and say, today is the day, but what happens when I get home? I find something more interesting to do or watch. But I have to learn. At school I wasn’t too big on studying ether. I basically got through on general knowledge. But the stuff they teach at school is nothing like this course. This is all new to me. Events management is something I’ve always wanted to do and now that I have the opportunity, I just can’t stay motivated. I thought that if I convinced my boss to let me do the course through the company, I’d work really hard and focus and the fact that it’s my boss’ money would be motivation enough. It didn’t and it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to do the course and do events management, I just don’t want to have to study for the exam. I wish I just knew the stuff. I wish it was general knowledge. I wish I already had the qualification. Plus I wish I didn’t have to work for the company anymore. I want to start my own events company and make lots of dou. And make up my own work schedule.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The single life.
so this afternoon when momzy picked me up from work she announced the good news. There is a latin-american evening at the city hall. Great fun!
NOT! As we were walking up to the hall i commented that this was my first outing out with my parents as a old maid. And i mentioned a certain prominent old maid, and guess who greated us at the door...
I was under the impression this would be a fancy do with lots me people my age... The only people my age was the old maid... 5 years my senior and next in line was the lady sitting next to me, 45 years my sinior and this was the young crowed.
so while i was sitting minding my own business and feeling very sorry for myself, the old maid stepped up to you and said, she hoped the tables were sturdy enough... Meaning we were to dance on it. All of a sudden i got short of breath and my mouth went dry... Did she just classify me as one of them! I wanted to burst out in tears. Do the rest of the town also think i'm an old maid!?
Why did i quit drinking!! A double whatever neat would come in pretty handy right now...
Friday, March 27, 2009
notice the name change
So we took a vote and Lisa, Cas and I decided that seeing that this blog belongs to the three of us its name had to represent the three of us. And plus they pined me down and tickled my feet till I wet myself, so I had to change it.
Cas, cas is the bad girl, she’s the one always getting us in trouble. She’s the one
Then there is me, Jozeygirl, the catalyst. I’m a bit of both. I’m the mediator, the conscience and the brains of this outfit.
So, jozeygirl didn’t cut it so we decided JUST PASSING THROUGH would be perfect.
What do you think?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sitting in the loo at work
We are not allowed to have our phones on us at work, so round 11 every day i excuse myself for my morning's constetusion but what i actually do in those 5 to 7 minutes is check my email and read a blog or two. And that's exactly what i'm doing at the moment. But now its back to the salt mines. Till this afternoon
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How on earth am I going to get this stuff in my head
I'm busy studying events management and its hard. My exam is in june and i have no idea how i'm going to remember everything. Some of the stuff i don't even understand. It's hopeless. I don't know what made me sigh up for this in the first place.
i have to complete the course because my employers are paying for it. I just wish i knew the answers. I don't know what to do. I've tried sleeping with the textbook under my pillow, doesn't work. Papers get all wrinkly. I tried banging it on my head, only a headache.
what else can i try.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
yum yum
4 chicken breasts
Last night’s leftover garlic cream and yogurt
Hot English mustard
Whole grain mustard
1 onion
Baby marrow
Chop onion, mushrooms and baby marrow into chunks
Fry onion in a little oil and after a while add the chicken
When the skin starts to crisp add some water to start the cooking process
Add the mushrooms and baby marrow
Cook till the chicken is done.
Strain into a sauce pan and remove the chicken
Now add the garlic sauce hot mustard, honey and whole grain mustard to the mushroom mix
Stir and let it simmer
Boil some rice in the stock that’s been strained
When the rice is par boiled dish into a Pyrex dish place the chicken on top and cover it with the sauce. Cook in the oven for a while, till you think it’s cooked.
I add some cheese just for that little something special.
I can’t give you exact measures seeing that I thought it up as I went along, I hope yours will be as yummy as mine
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
some people just shouldn't be alowed to sing
I’m watching American idols. You must know this first. Here in sunny SA we get all these American programs a few months after they’ve aired in the states, same with the UK. But I still enjoy watching these series.
I, myself, can’t carry a tune, that’s something I got from dear old momzy. Miss bossy boots and the brat both sang in the school choirs, I never got picked… but singing still is one of my all time favourite things to do. I’m the one that knows all the words to all the songs. I had a friend who once told me she couldn’t understand how someone that can’t sing knows all the words. She was a soloist. Did I mention we USETO be friends. Past tense.
So I watch these talent shows and pretend to be a judge, everyone does that, so don’t judge me. I love music and try to have it around me all the time. And I think I’ve got a good ear, just cant sing. But these days everyone is doing it. I’m usually spot on with the votes, when Simon says no I usually agree.
But I must say, there are some really bad singers out there. And even worse is that some of them don’t think they are bad. Some of them even think they’re quite good. I suggest the judges on idols should each have a bucket of rotten tomatoes and through them at the bad contestants. That would be really funny.
I wonder which country has the worst singers cause there are some really bad ones on our own SA idols. And what’s the worst song to sing at an audition? Here in sunny SA its killing me softly, I whish you could experience some of our contestants here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
in Not so good company
me round age 4
Today I turned 30. That is 1560 weeks, 360 months and waits for it…10957.5 days. Wow and I always thought 30 sounded old... in dog years I would only be about 4.28571 years. When I was younger I had a friend that shared a birthday with me. I always say, all good people are left handed and all good people are born in March… I know right handed people and people born in any other month will beg to differ, that’s ok cause I know the truth…
So I went on a search, to find out who, not only shared a birth month with me but a birthday to. And I found out I share a birthday with some impressive people:
Chuck Norris, Sharon Stone, Carrie Underwood and Zimbabwean Priminster- Morgan Tsvangirai… not to be confused with the jester that rules the country, Bob Mugabe, we down south actually like good old Morgs. But all these impressive people can’t make up for the fact that I also share a birthday with Barbie, andTerrorist Weekly’s hottest man alive, Osama bin Laden. That sucks; you’d think that April 1st would be reserved for the likes of him and old Bob.
So now as the Bright orangey red African sun sets over the bushveld and the end of this very special day draws to a close, I slip in to my little sleepy sheepy pj give Ben a hug and say… thank goodness, I’m only 30.