Monday, March 2, 2009

What a day!


Today was my first day back at work after a glorious long weekend. I say this because I don’t get every weekend of like everyone else I know. So today was dreaded BLUE MONDAY well maybe a light turquoise Monday. I’ve had worse. Then again I’ve had much better.

At 7:45 I was helping my manager with something and when I crouched down I heard it, that sound no one likes hearing while bending over, especially at 7:45 in the morning… RRRIP!!!! That’s right; I ripped the seam of my pants. So I got out the emergency needle and thread and I mended it.

For the next few hours everything went down without any major incidents. Then round 13:00 I decided it was time for lunch. I made myself a delicious jacket potato with a nice bacon feta and cream sauce. Half way through this yummy meal things went south… literally, somehow I managed to nock the plate of the table. And potato went flying… so I bent down to clean up and to my dismay, for the second time today, I heard that dreaded sound… I RIPPED MY PANTS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Silently I thought to myself, what else could go wrong? I had to ask, didn’t I?

Before I continue I should mention that I work in a teagarden kitchen, I make food for a living and part of my job description is making pies, from scratch!

So after lunch and the second ripping of the pants I made pies. Two hours later as we were rapping up someone knocked over all 17 boxes of pies!!!!!!!! I HAD TO ASK!!!! So I proceeded to save the ones I could and as I lifted one of the boxed off the table to pack it away, my finger caught onto another…

… Luckily my reflexes are good and I managed to catch it before it too fell…

So at 16:00 I packed up all my belongings ripped pants and all and I came home… safe for now in my little 2x4 white room with padded walls…

Hopefully I’ll have a magenta Tuesday..

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