Friday, January 1, 2010

The nerve of some people!!!

Let me start out by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
So we had the whole new years bash last night and it was great fun. I learned two lessons. 1. never party with people half your age- it Will only make you feel double your age the next morning... 2. don't ever trust a man with only one leg!!!

about a month and a half ago my posy and i went clubbing. CLUBBING- GETTING PICKED UP AT EIGHT, DRIVE A KILOMETER AND A HALF TO THE MOTEL PUB, SIT AT THE BAR AL NIGHT SIPPING SO CO AND LIME ON THE ROX, DANCE OCCASIONALLY AND CHATTING UP THE DEACON OF THE DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH AND GETTING HOME EARLY ENOUGH TO WATCH THE LATE SHOW WITH... ON DSTV. Back to the story. so we went clubbing, this guy started chatting me up a bit, well at least i think that's what he was trying. bought me a couple of drinks and so on and so on... last night upon our arrival same guy was siting outside the pub on the bench we greeted each outer and after getting our drinks we joined him. a while later my lesbian friend and DJ at the pub joined us. this guy stated chatting her up. now, i would hope momzy raised me correctly but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do... to get a drink in this dingy gin joint. i was hoping he would be our main supplier for the night. things went a little down hill from there. these three birds turned up with the guys 5 and 4 year old kids. and before i knew what was going on my friend and i ended up babysitting his snot nosed brats while he was buying drinks for all but me. now, I'm no fool and i know when to hold'em and i know when to fold and i know when to walk away and i know when to run and that's exactly what i did i ditched the guy and his brats and i headed for the bar about an hour later the arse comes looking for me wanting to know why i ditched him... what i wanted to do was slap him silly but he only had one leg so instead i smiled gave him a very weak excuse and continued chatting up the DEACON OF THE DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH...
now i can tell you about the rest of the night but I'm not and you know why? cause i can...

1 comment:

  1. Now you know why he has only one leg - the other one was kicked off by another girl at another time at another pub when he pulled the same trick with her.
