Thursday, March 12, 2009

yum yum


I made dinner tonight. Momzy said that’s probably why it was raining. As if I never cook. I cook for a living, so when I get home the last thing I want to do is cook. But this afternoon I just got the urge to make magic… and I think I did. It’s a Jozeygirl original. Chicken-a-la-jozeygirl. The name’s a mouthful, but so is the chicken.


4 chicken breasts
Last night’s leftover garlic cream and yogurt
Hot English mustard
Whole grain mustard
1 onion
Baby marrow

Chop onion, mushrooms and baby marrow into chunks
Fry onion in a little oil and after a while add the chicken
When the skin starts to crisp add some water to start the cooking process
Add the mushrooms and baby marrow
Cook till the chicken is done.
Strain into a sauce pan and remove the chicken
Now add the garlic sauce hot mustard, honey and whole grain mustard to the mushroom mix
Stir and let it simmer
Boil some rice in the stock that’s been strained
When the rice is par boiled dish into a Pyrex dish place the chicken on top and cover it with the sauce. Cook in the oven for a while, till you think it’s cooked.
I add some cheese just for that little something special.

I can’t give you exact measures seeing that I thought it up as I went along, I hope yours will be as yummy as mine


  1. Oh I totally understand you not wanting to cook after you come home. If you do something for a living the last thing one would wanna do is do it all over again -at home :)
